Friday, August 26, 2005

"DOVE" BARS: A contemplation by The Prime Minister

(This is actually something my brother wrote, but I thought it was
rather hilarious, and deserved a spot among the classics)

As i was sitting here reading my mail (or rather lack of), I began to
eat some small Dove Bars. As some of you know they have little sayings
on the inside wrapper ... two of them said "Time Flies, So Spend It With
The Ones That Mean The Most".

As i thought this over in my head i realized that the
people who mean the most to me would be my immediate family too which
I do spend the majority of my time around.

You know what?

Time passes SLOOOOOOOOOOOWLY when you are
around those that mean the most to you (at least in my house).

So if you want to live a longer life just spend it with people you care about.
If you want to live a short life, spend it with people you hate.
If you want to have psychological problems spend it at my house.
If you just want to live...
Well... don't eat Dove Bars then.

The Prime Minister

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